Scholarship Students Affairs

  Scholarship Students Affairs:

1) Open academic file for scholarship students within a program ( scholarship\fellowship\study leave) Which includes all the belongings of the student including the identification papers and administrative orders related to the acceptance of the student within that program). 

2) Follow-up the scholarships' Students Affairs including the Students commitment with attendance and proceeding with the study or the language course and that is done by addressing the Department of Scientific Affairs and Cultural Relations in the University's Presidency and Organizing electronic form for this purpose.

3) Demanding the graduated students, who returned to the country to complete the "Certificate Equivalency" In coordination with the Department of Scientific Affairs and Cultural Relations in the University's Presidency and other Relevant departments at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

4) Coordinating with the scholarships' students who returned to country to hold a seminar about his\her thesis within the department and in the presence of Scientific Committee and the teaching staff.